thai measure area unit converter

  • rai
  • =

Example Conversion : Rai to Ngan

1 Rai = 4 Ngan

Let's consider a scenario where a piece of land is 2 rai in size.

If you multiply 2 by 4, the result is 8.

2 × 4 = 8 Ngan

This means that 2 rai is equal to 8 ngan.

Example Conversion : Rai to Square Wah

1 Rai = 400 Square Wah

Let's say you have a plot of land that measures 3 Rai.

To find the equivalent in Square Wah, multiply the number of Rai by the conversion factor (400).

3 Rai × 400 Square Wah/Rai = 1,200 Square Wah

So, 3 Rai is equal to 1,200 Square Wah.

This conversion is based on the relationship where 1 Rai represents 400 Square Wah. Therefore, for any given number of Rai, you can find the equivalent in Square Wah by multiplying it by 400.

Example Conversion : Rai to Square Meters (sqm)

1 Rai = 1,600 Square Meters (sqm)

Imagine you come across a piece of land that measures 2 Rai.

If you multiply 2 by 1,600 to find the equivalent in square meters.

2 × 1,600 = 3,200 square meters

This means that 2 rai, is equal to 3,200 square meters.

Example Conversion : Ngan to Square Meters (sqm)

1 Ngan = 400 Square Meters (sqm)

Imagine you come across a piece of land that measures 8 Ngan.

If you multiply 8 by 400 to find the equivalent in square meters.

8 × 400 = 3,200 square meters

This means that 8 ngan, is equal to 3,200 square meters.

Example Conversion : Ngan to Rai

1 Ngan = 0.25 Rai

Let's say you have a piece of land that measures 8 Ngan.

To find the equivalent in Rai, multiply the number of Ngan by the conversion factor (0.25).

8 Ngan × 0.25 Rai/Ngan = 2 Rai

So, 8 Ngan is equal to 2 Rai.

This conversion is based on the relationship where 1 Ngan represents 0.25 Rai. Therefore, for any given number of Ngan, you can find the equivalent in Rai by multiplying it by 0.25.

Example Conversion : Square Wah to Square Meters (sqm)

1 Square Wah = 4 Square Meters (sqm)

Let's say you have a plot of land that measures 500 Square Wah.

To find the equivalent in Square Meters, multiply the number of Square Wah by the conversion factor (4).

500 Square Wah × 4 Square Meters/Square Wah = 2,000 Square Meters

So, 500 Square Wah is equal to 2,000 Square Meters.

This conversion is based on the relationship where 1 Square Wah represents 4 Square Meters. Therefore, for any given number of Square Wah, you can find the equivalent in Square Meters by multiplying it by 4.

note: this to update you that thailand does not have an imperial or metric measurement system. land size conversion can be a little confusing measure of land in thailand is expressed in rai, ngan and square wah (or tarang wah)

  • rai - large land measure unit
  • ngan - not so common unit
  • tarang wa (sqwah) – use for land & house in the town
  • 1 rai = 4 ngan = 400 tarang wa (sqwah) = 1600 sqm
  • 1 ngan = 100 tarang wa (sqwah) = 1/4 rai = 400 sqm
  • 1 tarang wa (sqwah) = 1/100 ngan = 1/400 rai = 4 sqm
  • land size is usually shown in the following way: rai - ngansqwah
  • so, if you see a sign 'land for sale 4-2-89', it means 4 rai, 2 ngan, 89 sqwah
  • 4-2-89 = 1889 sqwah
  • 4-2-89 = 7556 sqm
  • 4-2-89 = 81332.11 sqft


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